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Departed Loved Ones

Departed Loved Ones

I'm always sorry to hear about the loss of departed loved ones when people write to me. Although I know that all souls are well-cared for when we die, I also know that the pain from the loss of a loved one can be very difficult.

To think that a departed loved one may be experiencing an existence as an Earthbound Spirit is very difficult for many people. Here I'd like share our thoughts about Spirits in general and also how you may be able to help your loved ones to cross over if you feel that they may be earthbound.

Crossing Over Process

It's important to note that, as a percentage, very few people will ever become Earthbound Spirits when they die. Death is a very natural process and almost all people will easily make the transition with the help of friends and family that have passed on before them.

Departed spouses, relatives and close friends may come as escorts at the time of death. For highly spiritual people it will sometimes just be a Light, which they know to enter.

Although for a small percentage of people, they will become confused or emotionally attached to staying in the physical world. This slight detour is what I call becoming an Earthbound Spirit.

Is Your Loved One Earthbound?

People that have not yet developed their own intuitive nature will often just want to know if their loved one is safe and has transitioned.

In order to answer these questions for yourself I invite you to take 10-20 minutes to breathe, relax or meditate before answering. Allow yourself to become fully centered, calm and aware before proceeding.
  • Did your loved one die suddenly or traumatically?
  • Do you feel the presence of your departed loved one?
  • Does the presence of your loved one feel "at peace"?

Assisting Your Loved One to Transition

If you can feel the presence of your loved one but the presence does not feel "at peace", then you can use the suggestions here and the script within my book, The Soul Rescue Manual, to help them to cross over.

Many of the earthbound spirits that we have worked with were simply confused because of the sudden nature or, or confusion about, their deaths. To assist them first call them by name and inform they no longer have their physical body but that they do continue to exist.

These people will often have guilt that they left things in their life abruptly. Reassure them that everyone knows that he/she still loves them.

Tell them that there is no reason to feel any guilt or shame and that they can now go in peace. Tell him/her that you give him/her the permission to now move on. You can speak for everyone that he/she knows.

In almost all cases this will free the spirit from the guilt associated with leaving "loose ends" and helps them to transition easily knowing that those that they left behind will remember them.

My book, The Soul Rescue Manual, outlines the simple process of how to help spirits to transition. Many people have found the process to be very simple and effective for once again having a peaceful home.

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